Baker County Towns and North Powder
Clatsop Indian Treaty with the Tribe with annual payments of $15,000 for a large tract of land, $1500 each to be paid $200 cash, 20 woolen coats, 20 pairs of pants, 20 vests, 40 shirts, 40 pairs of shoes, 100 yards of linsey plaid, 15 blanket shawls, 200 pounds of soap, 2 barrels of salt, 30 bags of flour, 200 lbs of tobacco, 200 lbs sugar, 30 lbs tea, 2 barrels of molasses, 2 oxen or 2 horses, 10 hoes, 10 axes, 6 8—quart brass kettles, 25 knives, 50 cotton handkerchiefs, 10 10—quart tin pails, 20 6—quart pans, 20 5—pint cups, 20 caps, etc. Signed in the presence of Nicholas Du Boise, secretary, W. W. Raymond, interpreter, R. Shorter acting Sub—agent. Signed Anson Dart, Superintendent, Henry H. Spalding, agent, and Josiah L. Parrish, Sub—agent. Tostem, Washington, Catat, Wattikani, Twilts, Skotchlickie, Tickahah , Dunka, Winarovox, Hul—lah. Dated August 5, 1851.
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Clatsop Indian treaty 1851 1Clatsop Indian treaty 1851 1
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