Baker County Towns and North Powder
Yellow Jacket Quartz Lode claim, situated at a pine tree and running 600 feet in a southwesterly direction, and 300 feet in a northeasterly direction, together with all dips spurs and angles. Located in Umqua district. Joseph Beck, Hiram Adams, John Beety. Also commencing at the south end of Beck and Adams and extending in a southwesterly direction six hundred feet, with all dips, spurs and angles, Sept. 3, 1866. I. M. Robertson, C. D. McClure. Sept. 3, 1866, Joseph Shinn, Clerk.
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Yellow Jacket Quartz Lode 1Yellow Jacket Quartz Lode 1
Yellow Jacket Quartz Lode claiYellow Jacket Quartz Lode clai